What the TFA is about ?

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Traders from both developing and least developed countries (LCD) have frequently highlighted the vast amount of “red tape” , excessive and not harmonised regulation that exists in moving goods across borders. To address this, WTO members have forged the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), which came into force in February 2017. During 2013 Bali Ministerial conference, WTO members concluded negotiations on the landmark of Trade Facilitation agreement (TFA). The latter entered into force on 22nd February 2017 after the two thirds of the WTO membership including Rwanda completed their domestic ratification process. The overall purpose of implementing the TFA in Rwanda is to contribute to the national trade policy and the improvement of the trade environment by promoting transparency, simplification, harmonization and standardization of cross-border operations to reduce the time and cost to import and export goods. The TFA implementation in Rwanda is spearheaded by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM) through the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC). For more informatioon : {{Trade facilitation Agreement }} https://www.tfafacility.org/trade-facilitation-agreement-facility